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New chess engine: Yakka 1.1

Yakka 1.0 - UCI chess engine.
Author: CJDalrymple Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2894

Yakka is a Chess Engine writen in object pascal (Delphi) that implements the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol.
It is recommended to use a Chess GUI application such as Arena, Banksia GUI Cute Chess.

This project is licenced under the MIT Licence
Future Endevours (TODO)
In no particular order:
  - Much experimenting / tweaking
  - MultiPV
  - Pondering   
  - Singular Extensions
  - Endgame Tablebases
  - NNUE

15 Sept 2024 release.
Multiple bug fixes, improved time management, improved passed pawn evaluation, added singular extensions and late move pruning.
You can download the precompiled Windows executable: 'Yakka v1.1 x64.exe'
This will run on x86-64 CPU's which support the BMI2 instruction set.

