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SF-PRO 12.09.2024 and Yuliana 5.0 wins New Engines Test, by CEDR 14.09.2024

Another big test tournament of new versions of chess engines. 29 engines + Critter as a reference engine to compare the strength of the game.
Places 1-2 were taken by the SF-PRO 12.09.2024 and Yuliana 5.0 engines (both are currently available only to our testers). Places 3-4 were taken by the Fidelio 17 MPV and YuliGM STRONG 180824 engines.
More tests coming soon, stay tuned to our website.

All CEDR games 429.636 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
4ku 5.1254945486423.65.645.0252.1
Amelia 0.1217566733736.72.634.790.4
Critter 1.6a10695173157618.16.248.8301.4
Fidelio 17234238203328.86.148.9300.0
Fidelio 17 MPV230637776628.36.150.8310.3
Heimdall 1.0.0 JA223242956221.25.251.3266.5
Nectar 0.1.73274918454.36.736.0239.7
Oxidation 0.7.2113420786914.55.543.7238.6
Patricia 3.1455879193020.55.853.7308.9
Rems 150824219837374431.25.950.1294.4
Rems MPV Sep24222036539730.16.147.6289.0
Rems Sep24219937889130.95.849.1285.1
Rengar 2.0.0288864938215.04.453.9239.7
Roc 2024Aug246277103847516.36.051.9313.5
RubiChess 20240817436581096823.65.459.4320.0
Schoenemann 0.2.0494376274110.86.534.0220.1
SF PB 100924242940560131.16.050.6302.8
SF-PRO 12.09.2024235338794930.06.151.8313.9
Stockfish 17223536633330.96.149.8303.9
Stockfish 17 SE236938157031.36.247.7296.3
Stockfish 20240820 Ivec259643240432.16.050.0300.3
StoneChess 2024-09-13209849375317.64.238.0161.3
Tcheran 3.011690186394112.06.343.8274.6
Uralochka 3.41a JA352262328423.75.758.4330.3
Vafra 12.6 Cfish535796135628.15.652.9294.6
Vafra 14.12.2 Stockfish419076115227.75.551.6284.0
Viridithas 14.0.1225840930124.65.554.4300.4
Yuli GM Pro 16229741241930.35.648.6270.8
Yuliana 5.0207036511430.45.750.6286.81
YuliGM STRONG 180824154040764129.33.853.3201.2
