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Top-Rated Chess Engines Test, by CEDR 12.09.2024

We have another test tournament for the most powerful chess engines. At the top of the table are three engines with the same number of points: Stockfish 17 SE, Fidelio 17 MPV and SF-PRO 09.09.2024.
The new version of the Clover 8.0.1 chess engine did quite well.
More test tournament results coming soon, check our website.
Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR games 429.636 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Clover 8.0.123819486192753.84.987.6429.3
Fidelio 1711238209488042.65.469.0370.0
Fidelio 17 MPV12355226650643.55.566.8364.2
HypnoS 22082411627219536949.55.372.7384.8
Rems Sep2411057210939545.35.269.7365.5
SF PB 10092411263210348551.65.470.3376.4
SF-PRO 09.09.202414015264573544.75.374.4394.0
Stockfish 16.112594263025343.24.884.6405.1
Stockfish 1711876204259149.15.856.9330.91
Stockfish 17 SE11693223254849.75.273.4384.6
Stockfish 20240820 Ivec12374227662751.95.468.6372.7
Viridithas 14.0.112654246484833.15.166.8342.8
