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Yuliana 5.0 and YuliGM STRONG 180824 wins New Engines Test, by CEDR 08.09.2024

 Another test tournament of new versions of chess engines. In 1-2 places Yuliana 5.0 and YuliGM STRONG 180824 engines. Places 3-4 were taken by Stockfish 17 SE and Stockfish 20240820 Ivec engines. Official version of Stockfish 17 in seventh place. More tests soon, check our website.

All CEDR games 429.636 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexander 1.3492991164425.75.465.3352.8
Alexandria 7.0.0316559600228.65.363.2335.8
Berserk 13444681387231.05.563.5347.1
Clarity 7.2.0169633693626.65.069.1347.6
Clover 8.0.1501189302131.95.660.2337.9
Fidelio 17210635872030.25.953.0311.3
HypnoS 220824223738609330.95.854.6316.4
iBlunder 2024-09-08744690475418.
Integral v4273146786424.75.856.7330.9
KnightX 4.11258744748717.65.841.4239.5
Lambergar 0.6.061910751718.95.857.8332.7
Obsidian 13.0465378822526.65.955.9330.2
Odonata 1.0.0153228116319.15.453.5291.3
Radiance 3.3000.
Raid 3.6 TR193635583135.05.456.8309.01
Stockfish 16.1213539495329.35.459.6322.0
Stockfish 17204335720929.65.758.7335.8
Stockfish 17 SE203736174630.65.659.2333.5
Stockfish 20240820 Ivec215636081830.56.051.9310.2
Vafra 12.6 Cfish508493880529.15.460.0324.8
Vafra 14.12.2 Stockfish424576206727.95.654.8305.4
Yuliana 5.0192734469830.35.653.9301.11
YuliGM STRONG 180824146538061628.23.859.8230.3
Zangdar 2.307144117697222.86.154.8332.6

Results table:
1Yuliana 5.0462223133.5
2YuliGM STRONG 180824462125033.5
3Stockfish 17 SE461927032.5
4Stockfish 20240820 Ivec461927032.5
5Fidelio 17461828032.0
6HypnoS 220824461828032.0
7Stockfish 17461729031.5
8Stockfish 16.1461729031.5
9Raid 3.6 TR461728131.0
10Clover 8.0.1461530130.0
11Obsidian 13.0461626429.0
12Alexandria 7.0.0461528329.0
13Berserk 13461428428.0
14Vafra 14.12.2 Stockfish461524727.0
15Vafra 12.6 Cfish461523826.5
16Clarity 7.2.04614211124.5
17Alexander 1.34613141920.0
18Integral v44610102615.0
19Odonata 1.0.046773210.5
20Zangdar 2.304674359.0
21Lambergar 0.6.04662387.0
22iBlunder 2024-09-084640424.0
23KnightX 4.114621432.5
24Radiance 3.34600460.0
