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Donut dev 38ee0c6 JA wins Young Talents, by CEDR 2024.10.26 - 30

The Donut dev 38ee0c6 JA chess engine won the "Young Talents Tournament". This is a compilation prepared by Jim Ablett.
In 2nd place the Myrddin 0.91 engine and in 3rd place the Rengar 2.1.1 engine.
"Young talents" - these are new versions of amateur engines or completely new engines. We will continue these tests.

All CEDR games 449.407 download 

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena

P Engine CEDR Score (Tie) Chg +/-/=
1: Donut dev 38ee0c6 JA 2400 28.5 / 32 401.75 +134 (+27 -2 =3)
2: Myrddin 0.91 2629 26.5 / 32 360.25 +22 (+23 -2 =7)
3: Rengar 2.1.1 2657 26.5 / 32 356.75 +13 (+25 -4 =3)
4: Eveann 2.1 2215 24.5 / 32 304.75 +166 (+22 -5 =5)
5: Perseus 0.9-alpha 2400 23.5 / 32 289.50 +83 (+21 -6 =5)
6: Astra 3.4 2400 23.0 / 32 279.25 +80 (+22 -8 =2)
7: Lozza 3 Dev.874772a JA 2847 21.0 / 32 230.75 -70 (+18 -8 =6)
8: Cwtch 1 2400 21.0 / 32 229.75 +61 (+18 -8 =6)
9: Tcheran 4.0 2242 19.5 / 32 206.50 +106 (+16 -9 =7)
10: Eubos 3.7 JA 2493 14.0 / 32 110.75 -54 (+13 -17 =2)
11: Chess4j 6.0 JA 2056 12.0 / 32 69.00 +83 (+12 -20 =0)
12: Freda 1.0 2400 9.5 / 32 48.00 -54 (+9 -22 =1)
13: Hardfiskur rev-66b215f 2400 9.0 / 32 43.50 -61 (+9 -23 =0)
14: Alpaca 0.2.6 2400 5.0 / 32 20.50 -99 (+4 -26 =2)
15: Purple Panda 18 2400 4.0 / 32 14.25 -109 (+3 -27 =2)
16: Brogle 0.1.0 2400 2.5 / 32 8.00 -125 (+2 -29 =1)
17: Kairuku 1.0.1 JA 2400 2.0 / 32 7.75 -131 (+1 -29 =2)

Donut Dev.38ee0c6 by Alessio Faggioli
This release is the final one so far. It implements new NNUE probe functions that allow the engine to be a lot stronger than before.
Windows/Linux & Android Jim Ablett compiles:

Donut Dev.38ee0c6 64 JA download
