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New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 16.10.2024

Another big tournament of new versions of chess engines. 32 engines played, almost 1000 games played. Places 1.3 with the same number of points were taken by engines: Yuliana 5.0, Stockfish 20241012 and SF-PRO 18.09.2024.
More test tournaments are underway, results soon on the website.
Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR games 449.407 download 

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17

Tech table:
4ku 5.1234441299423.35.744.9254.8
CalvinChess 4.3.0 JA56010855623.05.261.5317.11
Catto 0.12.523803.25.220.7106.72
Expositor 4WR02357363140316.65.762.0350.9
HypnoS 220824bis193331684328.96.150.8309.9
Kookaburra 3.00202036222430.85.655.4308.8
Lozza 3 Dev.874772a JA76012691113.46.046.8280.41
Marauders 3.9194533207129.05.955.8326.5
MIDA 2.3.1 JA141823944221.25.945.4269.02
Motor 0.7.098117258323.35.755.8317.0
Obsidian dev-13.25 SE415970424828.65.955.5327.6
Patricia 3.1419676341021.45.561.9340.4
Pawn 3.0 Dev.61f586e JA554099201121.75.655.8311.5
Perseus Dev.ea813b8 JA325864343921.35.157.5291.0
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA314358886830.15.361.2326.5
Raid 3.6 TR173631973034.25.456.7307.71
Rebel-EAS 2.0216443579620.05.062.9312.2
Rems 101024193634335928.55.657.7325.3
Sapling 1-2-1430480096425.25.455.1296.0
SF-PRO 18.09.2024210234525230.06.152.9322.0
ShashChess 36206034508129.46.053.6320.1
Spaghet BologNNese 1.0275151383230.35.465.2349.1
Steel Fighter III218236773227.25.949.5293.9
Stockfish 17211435284030.26.053.0317.3
Stockfish 17 SE205834560930.66.052.4311.9
Stockfish 20241012196732924929.16.053.0316.5
Stormphrax 5.0.3 JA373867940325.85.564.1352.5
Viridithas 15.0.0224138801123.85.853.0305.8
Yuliana 5.0192134727329.85.557.4317.21
YuliGM STRONG 180824134338081429.23.559.1208.3
