Stockfish 17 won the latest Chess Engines Diary Rating Cup 10/2024.
Stockfish won one game and drew 23. We are posting the winning game below the results table.
We will soon launch the next edition of the TOP-64 Chess Engine League. Keep an eye on our website.
Chess Engines Diary Team
Stockfish won one game and drew 23. We are posting the winning game below the results table.
We will soon launch the next edition of the TOP-64 Chess Engine League. Keep an eye on our website.
Chess Engines Diary Team
All CEDR games 449.407 download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork ๐ Time 3'+3"
๐ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐ฌ GUI-Fritz 17
P | Engine | Score | ***** | +/-/= |
1: | Stockfish 17 | 12.5 / 24 | =1====================== | (+1 -0 =23) |
2: | Dragon 3.3 | 11.5 / 24 | =0====================== | (+0 -1 =23) |
"CEDRCUP.10.2024.Match.StockfishDragon, "]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.10.26"]
[Round "1.16"]
[White "Dragon 3.3 by Komodo Chess, 64-bit"]
[Black "Stockfish 17"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C54"]
[PlyCount "176"]
[EventDate "2024.10.26"]
[EventType "k.o."]
[SourceTitle "Fritz Engine Tournament"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. d3 Nf6 5. O-O d6 6. c3 a6 7. a4 O-O
8. Re1 Ba7 9. h3 h6 10. Nbd2 Re8 11. Nf1 Be6 12. Bxe6 Rxe6 13. b4 d5
14. Qc2 Qd7 15. Be3 Bxe3 16. Nxe3 Ne7 17. Reb1 Nh5 18. Kh2 Nf4 19. g3
Nfg6 20. Kg2 Rf8 21. Qa2 c6 22. c4 Rf6 23. Nh2 d4 24. Neg4 Re6 25. Nf3
f5 26. Ngh2 fxe4 27. dxe4 c5 28. bxc5 Nc6 29. Rb6 a5 30. Qb3 Nb4 31.
Ng4 Kh7 32. Rb5 d3 33. Rxb4 axb4 34. Rd1 Qc6 35. Qxd3 Qxc5 36. Qd5 Rc6
37. Qxc5 Rxc5 38. Ne3 Ra5 39. Nd5 Rxa4 40. Rb1 Ra3 41. Nd2 Ra2 42. Nf3
Ra3 43. Nd2 Rd3 44. Rb2 Rd4 45. Nxb4 Ne7 46. Nd5 Nxd5 47. exd5 e4 48.
Rc2 Rc8 49. Rb2 Ra8 50. Rc2 h5 51. Nb3 Rd1 52. Nc5 Re1 53. Rb2 Raa1 54.
f4 h4 55. g4 Ra3 56. Ne6 Kg8 57. Ng5 Rc1 58. Kf2 Kf8 59. c5 e3+ 60. Kf3
e2+ 61. Kxe2 Rh1 62. Ne4 Rhxh3 63. Kf1 Rhf3+ 64. Kg2 Rxf4 65. Re2 Rxg4+
66. Kh2 Ra8 67. Kh3 Rf4 68. c6 bxc6 69. dxc6 Kg8 70. c7 Rc8 71. Ng5 Rc4
72. Re5 Ra8 73. Re3 Rxc7 74. Kxh4 Rc1 75. Re4 g6 76. Nf3 Kg7 77. Re3
Rca1 78. Re7+ Kf6 79. Rb7 R8a4+ 80. Kg3 R1a3 81. Rb2 Rc4 82. Rb6+ Kg7
83. Rb7+ Kh6 84. Rb1 Rcc3 85. Kf4 Rxf3+ 86. Ke5 g5 87. Rh1+ Kg6 88. Kd5
Kf5 0-1
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