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Big Yuli GM 221024 wins New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.11.27

This is our next test tournament for 28 new chess engines. Five engines: Big Yuli GM 221024, YuliGM STRONG 180824, Stockfish dev-20241122, Stockfish 17 and Yuliana 5.50 scored the same number of points. The order of places was decided by the additional Berger score.
More tests are underway, check the website - results soon.
Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 480.735 games download (01.11.2024, 3'+3") 

πŸ’Ύ 756 games from the tournament download
πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:

Arasan 24.2.2348551603826.36.842.9289.5
Arasan 24.2.2 JA334447150125.87.139.9283.1
Artemis 4TR206134345235.26.047.0281.8
Big Yuli GM 221024245340357532.86.147.0285.7
Brainlearn 30227836294831.26.345.8287.5
Chess.cpp 4.1.0 JA221842802121.35.231.3162.440
Chess.cpp 4.10201637988720.95.330.7163.248
Donut Dev.38ee0c6 JA3896653411.15.848.9286.0
Dual 0.2.11923968815.30.533.616.311
Elixir 3.0 JA369868009523.05.452.6286.0
Hedgehog 2.407147729176516.25.143.9222.4
HypnoS 220824bis284544041230.36.542.7275.52
Illumina 1.082912811021.16.522.0142.2
Inanis 1.5.023885441645119.35.446.4251.2
KnightX 4.2266145074117.85.942.8252.8
Mayhem 8.4457866536313.56.937.0254.5
Nectar 0.1.82664859948.95.537.4204.4
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA330158407629.15.753.5302.1
PlentyChess 3.0.1268646454828.75.848.3279.3
Stockfish 17247340897631.36.049.9302.0
Stockfish dev-20241122251941003534.96.147.0288.8
Turbulence_v4 0.0.3116818954615.36.239.6243.7
Uralochka 3.41a JA345559341623.55.853.6312.0
Uralochka 3.42.dev7368562600223.95.952.5309.1
Vengeance 3.1.0 JA225339651017.15.743.8248.7
Yuliana 5.50235438291930.66.147.4291.1
YuliGM STRONG 180824150042922929.53.547.6166.3
Yuliirma 4.0216438081229.55.747.6270.2
