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Chess engine: Arasan 24.2.2 JA (Windows, Android, Linux)

Arasan - UCI engines Author: Jon Dart
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3623

Arasan has both a native user interface (for Windows only) and a console-based chess engine for use with Winboard or xboard. Arasan also works with Arena, another free chess interface, and with UCI-compatible programs like Fritz and Chessbase.

Arasan includes an opening "book" with over 900,000 moves.

Arasan 24.2.2 - results:
Stockfish 16.110.5/30-930 Games
Berserk 1311/27-527 Games
Alexandria Games
Obsidian 12.010/24-424 Games
Critter 1.6a21.5/22+2122 Games
Altair 7.0.3 JA11.5/22+122 Games
Clover Games
Rebel 16.37/20-620 Games
Fire 9.39/19-119 Games
Caissa 1.189/18+018 Games
Yuli GM Pro 168/18-218 Games
JigSaw 5.95.5/17-617 Games
Tenax 1.08.5/16+116 Games
Raid 3.6 TR7.5/16-116 Games
Chess-System-Tal-27/16-216 Games
AbbyStein 2.85/16-616 Games
Yuliirma 4.05/16-616 Games
Drosophila 1.6 JA14/14+1414 Games
Akimbo 1.0.08/14+214 Games
Alexander 1.37.5/14+114 Games
Dragon free7/14+014 Games

Jim Ablett compile:
Other versions (GUI, Mac and Linux) on page:

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