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Chess engine: Vafra Cfish 12.7

Vafra is a free (cloned from Crafty). Vafra Cfish is a Cfish clone.
Author: Robert Jurjeviฤ‡   Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3660

Vafra Cfish and Vafra Stockfish for Microsoft Windows are free (cloned from Cfish and Stockfish by Robert) UCI chess engines with NNUE. The engines can be used with ChessBase Microsoft Windows Fritz chess interfaces to assist in chess analysis. 

12.7 Cfish with flipped HalfKP 256x2-32-32-1 net nn-706a9fe25219.nnue aka nn-v0f000011601.nnue is released!

Vafra Cfish 12.6 results:
Vafra 14.12.2 Stockfish13.5/26+126 Games
Clover Games
Caissa 1.2010.5/22-122 Games
Uralochka 3.41a JA8.5/16+116 Games
Obsidian 13.08.5/16+116 Games
RubiChess 202408177/16-216 Games
Berserk 136.5/16-316 Games
Stockfish 175.5/16-516 Games
Fidelio 175/16-616 Games
Stockfish 17 SE4.5/16-716 Games
Titan 1.1.07/14+014 Games
Velvet v8.0.07/14+014 Games
PlentyChess 3.0.07/14+014 Games
Chess-System-Tal-26.5/14-114 Games
Motor Games
CorChess 202408236.5/14-114 Games
Stockfish 16.16/14-214 Games
Ethereal 14.255/14-414 Games
Patricia 3.19.5/10+910 Games
Viridithas Games
Rems 1508243.5/10-310 Games

Vafra Cfish 12.7 - download

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