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JigSaw 6.0 wins New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 19.11.2024

The tournament featured 36 updated chess engines. JigSaw 6.0 emerged as the winner, with Stockfish 17 finishing second. The third to fifth places went to Stockfish dev-20241113-82b092ca, Brainlearn 30, and CorChess 20241022, respectively. Upcoming test results will be published on our website shortly.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 480.735 games download (01.11.2024, 3'+3") 

๐Ÿ’พ 1260 (!) games from the tournament download
๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปHP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM,  ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexander 3.1533693024730.85.757.1327.5
Arcanum 2.3.1257044765015.05.749.4283.7
Artemis 3TR189631599330.16.051.8310.9
Bobcat 8.0 JA10322139101522.27.437.4277.43
Brainlearn 30225035874529.56.346.5291.9
Caissa 1.21520791705328.05.750.4286.4
CalvinChess 5.0.180014871822.25.452.9284.41
ChandraChess 2.0165027959416.45.956.2331.9
ChandraChess 2.0 JA171929375816.15.959.7349.22
CorChess 20241022225937158529.06.148.8296.9
Crystal 8.0 JA221437265231.75.952.4311.3
Dragon 3.3 by Komodo291252411125.15.655.3307.0
Elixir 3.0 JA349164852022.85.454.1291.4
Evean 2.176013564611.55.648.3270.9
Ifrit 4.3 JA115624658013.64.737.9177.6
JFish 1.0146221172324.16.943.3299.3
JigSaw 6.0173129267129.05.949.2291.1
LazySMP 4.011323161118517.07.037.8265.7
Lizard 11.1.0231743300724.25.458.6313.5
Lozza 3 Dev.874772a JA84313756713.36.143.4265.61
Molybdenum 4.15682111023118.25.155.7285.3
Obsidian 14.0414368533927.16.050.8306.8
Prometheus 0.2 JA36635586649.16.633.0216.6
Protej dev_20240811a243238611427.16.347.9301.7
Quanticade Electra 0.9240741852827.65.859.5342.41
Raid 3.6 TR206637486633.85.552.8290.8
Rebel-EAS 2.0265149616820.15.354.4290.6
Schoenemann 0.3.0240036951016.16.542.7277.6
Skiull 0.612408217778310.95.740.9233.0
Stockfish 17271844810029.96.149.5299.9
Stockfish dev-20241113269845913233.75.952.7309.9
Toad 1.2.053747344718.47.339.4288.0
Yuliana 5.50303249329832.06.147.6292.3
Zangdar 2.307263121241723.06.054.5326.71
