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Molybdenum 4.1 wins Slow Horses Group E-4, League Chess Engines Diary edition 07/2024

The Slow Horses Group E-4 games ended the League Chess Engines Diary edition 07/2024.
The Molybdenum 4.1 engine won. In 2nd place the Elixir 3.0 JA engine and in 3rd place the Heimdall 1.1.1 engine. These three engines and ChandraChess 2.0 advanced to The Mandalorian Group E-3.
Now the league break will last until January 2025, but that does not mean that our tests are over. Check our website - the results of the next tournaments will be out soon.
Chess Engines Diary Team

๐Ÿ‘Promotion to The Mandalorian Group E-3: Molybdenum 4.1, Elixir 3.0 JA, Heimdall 1.1.1, ChandraChess 2.0.

All CEDR 480.735 games download (01.11.2024, 3'+3") 

๐Ÿ’พ 861 games from the tournament download
๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:

Alpaca 0.2.66121010338.56.142.6257.96
Annie 2ca4ccd 2024-07-08324012327656.82.635.092.01
Barbarossa 0.7.0158227250114.05.858.0336.4
Baryonyx 0.1.137771134697514.15.848.3278.6
Belofte 2.1.8 (u) JA11561606886.47.235.2253.5
Black Cat 2.3243541438122.35.948.1282.4
Bobcat 8.0 JA42765675719627.86.347.5300.4
Calvinchess 5.0.2141628953323.94.954.7267.73
Catto 0.12.548764.14.833.3158.4
ChandraChess 2.012190201079223.36.149.6300.7
Crab 3.12.023190438231531.65.345.7241.73
DoctorB 1.2.1 JA747416995687.54.440.1176.32
Dodecahedron JA10603197063610.75.441.2221.81
Dragonrose 0.26344865079010.95.350.4267.1
Drosophila 1.6 JA411884657316.94.948.7237.1
Dual 0.2.132710074055.60.336.812.016
Elixir 3.0 JA17706311430325.45.740.2228.6
Euwe 1.3.018048307496814.05.951.7303.2
EveAnn 2.1172937951414.34.659.5270.91
Heimdall 1.1.117141262191327.46.545.8299.6
Ifrit 4.3 JA245152776714.44.646.2214.4
Kairuku 1.0.1 JA12696642557.01.96.412.23
Koedem 1.1.2 JA48668971379.55.450.0271.2
LazySMP 5.016953279577022.26.148.2292.1
Lozza 3 Dev.874772a JA186234610120.65.455.6298.9
Magog 1.037926448687.05.936.8216.2
Mcu-max 1.0000.
Molybdenum 4.133397610396927.55.546.6255.0
Motsog 1913097504097.51.738.166.412
Neuromancer 1.5938715328479.56.143.8268.4
Nibble 0.1 r131 GS129205144.
Perseus 0.9-alpha5216114708931.44.554.3246.8
Phalp 22032400 JA184438339141939.75.441.0223.2
Piglet 1.3.69371908177.64.948.1236.21
Priessnitz 2.015959253347427.86.347.1296.53
Purple Panda 1821533932209.95.541.5227.3
Radiance 3.3427953839.64.546.0205.5
Sentinel 1.01 JA8142134518118.16.146.5281.7
Simplex 0.9.8 JA000.
Smaug 2.2.1 JA31972677760418.14.750.7239.0
Toad 1.4.017702286389212.76.253.1328.130
Topas 1.3.386517778511.14.946.2224.7
