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Yuliana 5.50 wins Mini Test Strong Engines, by CEDR 2024.11.08-10

Tournament of the newest, just released versions of chess engines. The winner was the Yuliana 5.50 engine, which was the only one to win two games. In 2nd-3rd places were the Stockfish 20241031 and SpecTral PB 071124 engines.

More tests soon on our website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR games 480.735 download 

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17

P Engine Score (Tie) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1: Yuliana 5.50 15.0 / 28 207.00 XXX ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==1= ===1
2: Stockfish 20241031 14.5 / 28 201.50 ==== XXX ==== ==== ==== ==== ===1 ====
3: SpecTral PB 071124 14.5 / 28 201.50 ==== ==== XXX ==== ==== ==== ==== ==1=
4: Big Yuli GM 221024 14.0 / 28 196.00 ==== ==== ==== XXX ==== ==== ==== ====
5: Dark SisTer PB 071124 14.0 / 28 196.00 ==== ==== ==== ==== XXX ==== ==== ====
6: SF-PRO 25.10.2024 14.0 / 28 196.00 ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== XXX ==== ====
7: Alexandria 7.1.0 13.0 / 28 183.25 ==0= ===0 ==== ==== ==== ==== XXX ====
8: Caissa 1.21 13.0 / 28 183.25 ===0 ==== ==0= ==== ==== ==== ==== XXX
