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Yuliana 5.50 wins TOP Engines Tournament, by CEDR 04.11.2024

Yuliana 5.50 engine wins another tournament of the strongest chess engines with a clear advantage. 2-3 places are taken by SF-PRO 25.10.2024 and Big Yuli GM 221024 engines. Tm once each engine played 10 games with each other. Caissa 1.21 engine achieved a pretty good result, but there is still a considerable distance to catch up with Stockfish engine. More tests soon on our website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR games 480.735 download 

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexandria 7.1.011159215428835.35.268.8356.5
Big Yuli GM 22102410478202177949.05.273.3379.9
Caissa 1.2123656456785738.75.271.8371.7
Devre 6.39 JA18355375859434.54.989.8438.3
Motor 0.8.0228744337529.45.273.2377.5
Quanticade Electra 0.98933179545641.45.084.8421.81
SF-PRO 25.10.202410783205051340.75.374.0389.0
Stockfish 1711095215329848.25.275.1387.1
Stockfish 2024103110319203724151.85.178.2396.1
Stormphrax 6.0.020213424643438.94.892.2438.9
Velvet 8.1.017039343611329.15.078.0386.6
Yuliana 5.5010935214781847.95.176.1387.3

Result table:
1Yuliana 5.501101991064.5
2SF-PRO 25.10.20241101595062.5
3Big Yuli GM 2210241101595062.5
4Stockfish 171101496062.0
5Stockfish 202410311101397061.5
6Caissa 1.21110995656.5
7Alexandria 7.1.0110698655.0
8Devre 6.39 JA1107881551.0
9Motor 0.8.01103961151.0
10Stormphrax 6.0.01107871650.5
11Velvet 8.1.01103921549.0
12Quanticade Electra 0.91101664334.0

