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Chess engine: Obsidian dev-14.20 SE

Obsidian, an UCI chess engine written in c++
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3740

Obsidian 14 vs - other engines:
RubiChess 2024081723/38+838 Games
Berserk 1318.5/38-138 Games
Lizard 11.0.019/34+434 Games
Caissa 1.2018.5/34+334 Games
Alexandria Games
Dragon 3.316.5/34-134 Games
Viridithas 15.0.019/33+533 Games
PlentyChess Games
Starzix 6.05/10+010 Games
Stockfish 174.5/10-110 Games
Alexander Santiago5.5/6+56 Games
Alexander 3.04/6+26 Games
Marauders 4.03/6+06 Games
Obsidian dev-13.27 SE3/6+06 Games
Big Yuli GM 2210243/6+06 Games
CorChess 202410223/6+06 Games
ShashChess 373/6+06 Games
ShashChess Santiago2.5/6-16 Games
HypnoS 220824bis2.5/6-16 Games
Artemis 3TR2.5/6-16 Games
Stockfish 20241012 Ivec2.5/6-16 Games

Neural network
Obsidian evaluates positions with a neural network trained on Lc0 data.
