Rudim 1.3 - Iterative Deepening & .NET 9
Major changes
Moved to .NET 9
Iterative Deepening Implemented
Time management improved - does not flag as frequently
Minor changes
Refactor for performance improvements
uci "stop"
uci "ucinewgame"
uci "go" is now non-blocking and can be interrupted by other uci commands ("stop" or another "go")
zobrist hashing implementation in place (not integrated to any transposition tables)
fix uci illegal output move - knight was abbreviated as "k" instead of "n" when promoting
update dependencies
Non-build changes:
pipeline now does a benchmark for memory allocated & time taken
pipeline now runs a tournament for current commit vs last stable release
publish workflow to generate binaries for releases
What's Changed
feat: zobrist hashing & benchmarking by @znxftw in #7
Moved to .NET 9
Iterative Deepening Implemented
Time management improved - does not flag as frequently
Minor changes
Refactor for performance improvements
uci "stop"
uci "ucinewgame"
uci "go" is now non-blocking and can be interrupted by other uci commands ("stop" or another "go")
zobrist hashing implementation in place (not integrated to any transposition tables)
fix uci illegal output move - knight was abbreviated as "k" instead of "n" when promoting
update dependencies
Non-build changes:
pipeline now does a benchmark for memory allocated & time taken
pipeline now runs a tournament for current commit vs last stable release
publish workflow to generate binaries for releases
What's Changed
feat: zobrist hashing & benchmarking by @znxftw in #7
Jim Ablett compiles
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