CoreChess is an open source chess GUI for chess engines
Human vs Engine mode
Human vs Human mode.
Engine vs Engine mode.
Human vs Human mode.
Engine vs Engine mode.
Supported engines
UCI (Universal Chess Interface) like Stockfish, Komodo/Dragon and Leela Chess Zero
CECP (Chess Engine Communication Protocol) like Crafty
The King (Chessmaster). Supported only on Windows.
The King (Chessmaster)
To use The King (the Chessmaster engine) you need the file TheKing333.exe (Chessmaster 10), the "Personalities" folder and the "Opening Books" folder and patch the engine using the OPK patch that disables the copy protection.
You can then set the personalities path and opening books path in the engine settings.
Supported opening book formats
Polyglot (BIN)
Arena opening book (ABK)
Chessmaster (OBK)
Polyglot (BIN)
Arena opening book (ABK)
Chessmaster (OBK)
Prerequisites: NET 8.0 SDK
Upgraded avalonia to v11.2.3
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