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Dark SisTer 8.0 wins New Engines Test, 12.12.2024

35 new chess engines and 1190 games - this is our next Test Tournament. The Dark SisTer 8.0 engine won and the Stockfish dev-20241122 engine came in 2nd. Places 3-6 were taken by the Yuliana 5.50, HypnoS 220824bis, Crystal 8.0 JA and Big Yuli GM 221024 engines.
More tests are underway, results will be posted on our website soon.
Chess Engines Diary Team

 All CEDR 515.173 games download (01.12.2024) 

πŸ’Ύ 1190 (!) games from the tournament download
πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Berserk 13320956046228.05.755.7319.2
Berserk 20241119 SE308752637227.45.954.3318.4
Big Yuli GM 221024148424365529.46.149.7302.7
Caissa 1.21323854742425.15.946.9277.1
ChandraChess 2.0126220923315.46.054.9330.9
Clover 8.1315953770428.15.953.7315.4
Cool Iris 13.90144023458222.56.150.7311.2
Crystal 8.0 JA137722948428.56.052.5314.8
Dark SisTer 8.0117019702725.75.951.5305.7
Dark SisTer PB 071124151925022727.06.150.4306.2
Dual 0.2.67881403327.25.635.9201.63
Euwe 2.0.0563988090112.66.443.4277.6
Halogen 12.12.3 JA330757160019.05.852.8305.3
HypnoS 220824bis145223297926.86.248.0299.11
Integral v5132421675725.26.149.8304.3
Jackal 1.1.0158226258.17.040.7284.3
JigSaw 6.0124320784928.46.052.3313.0
KnightX 4.2182430906916.45.944.2261.01
Mayhem 8.4275741051112.76.741.0275.6
Obsidian dev-14.07 SE330653456226.06.249.0302.9
Obsidian dev-14.10 DC343056995426.66.050.9306.3
Obsidian dev-14.11365757344026.46.444.9286.1
PlentyChess 3.0.1183333012326.35.655.4307.9
SF-PRO 04.12.2024161226151029.06.250.4310.4
SF-PRO2 04.12.2024150623927527.26.349.9313.9
Stockfish 20241122 Ivec155424833430.26.347.9299.8
Stockfish dev-20241122169627107829.76.347.4296.9
Sturddle UCI-2.00211745404222.74.745.2210.9
Tcheran 5.07906137879715.65.744.1253.0
Tcheran 5.0 JA7551130115115.35.845.2262.2
TomitankChess 5.1 JA2694261612.86.348.7307.65
Turbulence_v4 0.0.392415480415.26.042.6254.3
Turbulence_v4 0.0.3 JA103617141615.66.040.4244.1
Wize 1.0 JA279144407710.36.334.8218.8
Yuliana 5.50178028584228.36.247.1293.2
