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Kookaburra 3.00 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2024.12.23)

The tournament of the strongest chess engines was won by the Kookaburra 3.00 engine. Places 2 to 4 were taken by the engines: Killfish 021224, Sailfish 4.0 and Deep Blue-20240518. The order was decided by the additional score - Berger.
More tests are underway, results soon on our website.
Chess Engines Diary Team

GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - 4 GM mvs book,  6TBs.

🕒🕒Time 3'+3"  1140 (!) tournaments games download  
💾 All games CEDR 515.173 games download 01.12.2024  

P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/=
1: Kookaburra 3.00 60.0 / 114 3409.00 (+6 -0 =108)
2: Killfish 021224 58.5 / 114 3329.00 (+3 -0 =111)
3: Sailfish 4.0 58.5 / 114 3327.75 (+4 -1 =109)
4: Deep Blue-20240518 58.5 / 114 3326.25 (+3 -0 =111)
5: Stockfish 17 58.0 / 114 3300.50 (+2 -0 =112)
6: Stockfish Ivec 20241208 58.0 / 114 3300.25 (+3 -1 =110)
7: ShashChess 37 58.0 / 114 3296.50 (+3 -1 =110)
8: Artemis4 TR 57.5 / 114 3272.00 (+2 -1 =111)
9: SF-PRO 04.12.24 57.5 / 114 3271.00 (+4 -3 =107)
10: JigSaw 6.0 57.0 / 114 3248.75 (+1 -1 =112)
11: Marauders 4.0 57.0 / 114 3247.25 (+3 -3 =108)
12: Yuliana 6.0 57.0 / 114 3247.00 (+3 -3 =108)
13: Brainlearn 30 57.0 / 114 3245.25 (+2 -2 =110)
14: CorChess dev-20241218 57.0 / 114 3241.50 (+3 -3 =108)
15: Private19sf 56.5 / 114 3221.50 (+1 -2 =111)
16: Stockfish dev-20241208 56.5 / 114 3219.75 (+1 -2 =111)
17: SpecTral 8.0 56.0 / 114 3194.75 (+1 -3 =110)
18: YuliGM STRONG X 55.5 / 114 3165.75 (+1 -4 =109)
19: Dark SisTer 8.0 54.0 / 114 3084.00 (+0 -6 =108)
20: Cool Iris 13.97 52.0 / 114 2975.25 (+1 -11 =102)
