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New version chess engine: Lynx 1.8.0 (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

Lynx it's written in C# (.NET 6). UCI protocol is needed.
Chess Engines Diary Rating CEDR=2890

Lynx release artifacts are self-contained and require no dependencies to be run.
However, you can also choose to build Lynx yourself.
NET 6 SDK. You can find instructions about how to install it in yo

πŸ” Search

Improving: LMP (#1129)
Improving: RFP (#1130, #1133)
Improving: LMR (#1135)
NMP, tweak reduction using eval - beta (#1139)
NMP: Use the right score for TT condition (#1268)
LMR: reduce more on cutnode (#1233)
LMR: avoid when being checkmated (#1231)
LMR: increase pv min moves 2 (#1230)
History: History_BestScoreBetaMargin 80 -> 60 (#1118)
History: increase bonus when best score is over beta by some margin (#1110)
History: increase bonus when static eval is lower than alpha (#1123)
Save static eval in TT (#1084, #1085)
Aspiration windows: fail high reduction (#800, #1285)
⌛ Time management

Add node time management (#1203, #1206)
Add best move stability (#1211)
Add score stability (#1223)
Soft limit <= hard limit (#1210)
⚡ Speedups

Move to .NET 9 (#1108)
Don't attempt continuation history on root moves (#1065)
Use Unsafe.Add for PSQT() (#1153)
Make TaperedEvaluationTerm fields constant (#1174)
Make TT (wrapper) a readonly struct (#1200)
Flatten killer moves array (and stack-allocate it) (#1247)
Minimal speedup in go UCI command parsing (#1264)
πŸ› Bug fixes

Clear PlyStackEntry shared array on return (#1182)
Don't allow the search to stop if no best move is found (#1251)
IDDFS finishes some depths with no moves (#1266)
Incorrect (too negative) mate scores when being checkmated (#1271)
Make sure staticEval var always gets initialized as part of the search (#1272)
Prevent aspiration windows to go outside of [MinEval, MaxEval] after window overflow (#1275)

Lynx 1.7.0 vs other engines:
Devel Games
Shallow 52/2+22 Games
CT800 1.462/2+22 Games
LazySMP 2.02/2+22 Games
Fornax 4.02/2+22 Games
Hedgehog 2.4072/2+22 Games
Snail Chess 1.0.12/2+22 Games
Catto 0.12.32/2+22 Games
Lozza 3 Dev.874772a JA1.5/2+12 Games
Princhess 0.19.01/2+02 Games
Stockfish 170.5/2-12 Games
Expositor 4WR020.5/2-12 Games
Vafra 14.12.2 Stockfish0.5/2-12 Games
Heimdall Games
4ku 5.10.5/2-12 Games
Critter 1.6a0.5/2-12 Games
Pingu Games
Motor 0.7.00/2-22 Games
JigSaw 6.00/2-22 Games
Lizard 11.0.00/2-22 Games
HypnoS 220824bis0/2-22 Games

Lynx 1.8.0 download 
