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Stockfish 17 wins New Engines Test, by CEDR 2024.12.12-15

Test tournament of 28 new versions of chess engines. The winner was the Stockfish 17 engine. In 2nd place was the Stockfish dev-20241208 engine, which scored the same number of points as the winner but had a worse Berger score. In 3rd place was the Yuliana 5.50 engine. More results soon on the website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 515.173 games download (01.12.2024) πŸ’Ύ 756 games from the tournament download

πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Artemis 4TR86113879425.76.250.6313.7
Berserk 13193933150726.25.955.5324.6
Berserk 20241119 SE189032490625.95.857.7335.51
Big Yuli GM 221024101816664626.96.152.5320.7
Lizard 11.1.0115219636921.35.955.3324.712
Lizard 11.1.5 JA200321456316.89.327.5256.931
Mayhem 8.5231333989312.46.837.0251.6
Myrddin 0.92244134744215.47.040.9287.1
Obsidian 14.0163326926124.06.154.2329.0
Obsidian dev-14.10 DC215137787026.05.760.1341.8
Obsidian dev-14.13 SE176229156922.86.055.0332.4
Rems 01122494215465525.86.151.6314.0
Rems M-01122494315678525.26.051.5309.6
RukChess 4.0.0 NNUE2593586110517.56.943.9302.336
Sailfish 4.077312840726.86.052.7316.9
SF-PRO 04.12.202493815427525.86.154.2329.5
SF-PRO2 04.12.202492615489624.46.056.1335.3
Stockfish 16124821752827.75.757.7331.1
Stockfish 1798415984726.86.251.1314.5
Stockfish dev-2024120899016260628.46.152.4319.1
Sturddle UCI-2.01.120824.2320149023303620.66.441.2263.51
SugaR AI 2.70148225662224.05.856.9328.4
Uralochka 3.42.dev7160925047920.96.448.7312.618
Yuliana 5.50100116334226.06.151.5315.6
YuliGM STRONG 18082456115132526.03.753.2197.0
YuliGM STRONG X54214081631.33.948.6186.9
Zangdar 2.31.04304046514521.36.547.7311.5
