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Yuliana 6.0 wins New engines Test, 15-20.12.2024

We have a tournament of 35 new versions of chess engines before you. The Yuliana 6.0 engine won with a very good result. In 2nd-3rd place were the SF-PRO2 11.12.2024 and SpecTral 8.0 engines. We will post a few more results before the Christmas break, check our website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 515.173 games download (01.12.2024) ๐Ÿ’พ 1190 (!) games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปHP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexandria 7.1.083215092822.55.563.6350.4
Arasan 24.2.2 JA115115843422.17.339.6287.49
Artemis 4TR61910701325.55.858.3337.0
Astra 4.0.193515779416.15.956.8336.61
Berserk 13156027053825.05.858.7338.5
Berserk 20241119 SE155427604326.75.661.3345.1
Big Yuli GM 22102473412351725.75.955.4329.0
Caissa 1.21179530527023.95.954.9323.1
ChandraChess 2.082914214614.55.859.3345.67
Cool Iris 13.9074012773021.75.858.1336.63
Dark SisTer 8.064310505723.96.151.6315.7
Heimdall 1.2.289713994817.16.448.7311.9
HypnoS 220824bis69111352623.86.152.0316.7
Integral v564911226924.45.857.6333.12
IsaBB NN 3.9000.
Jackal 1.1.086110547.17.836.0280.34
Lizard 11.1.088914573219.96.150.4307.615
Lizard 11.1.5 JA151914923016.310.224.4248.452
Mayhem 8.5152221459411.47.135.2250.0
Nectar 0.2.11061573834.66.732.9221.0
Obsidian 14.0157425678123.86.153.1325.7
Obsidian dev-14.13 SE163626211922.86.251.4320.7
Patricia 4.0220239241719.45.663.9358.7
SF-PRO 04.12.202482514007226.85.957.1336.4
SF-PRO 11.12.202476012585124.16.054.3328.4
SF-PRO2 04.12.202476712222823.76.351.6323.4
SF-PRO2 11.12.202474012506222.65.957.5340.1
SpecTral 8.059810761125.55.652.0289.0
Stockfish 1776112624627.06.052.5316.4
Stockfish dev-2024120880713177527.56.151.7316.9
SugaR AI 2.70106219120924.25.660.7337.2
Tucano 12.00142234968724.
Uralochka 3.42.dev7128219980119.86.447.4304.129
Yuliana 6.079413030825.16.152.1317.7
YuliGM STRONG X48611724629.64.152.5217.4
