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Belette 3.0.0 wins Amateur League CEDR Group E-05 Season 01/2025, 2025.01.25-30

Group E-05 Season 01/2025 - Amateur League CEDR has ended. The winner was the Belette 3.0.0 engine, second was the Delocto 0.7 engine and third place was taken by the Yakka 1.1 engine. These three engines advanced to the E-04 group.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 543.291 games download (01.01.2025) ๐Ÿ’พ 380 games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena

P Engine CEDR Score (Tie) Chg +/-/=
1: Belette 3.0.0 2400 34.0 / 38 582.25 +179 (+32 -2 =4)
2: Delocto 0.7 2860 29.0 / 38 478.00 -30 (+24 -4 =10)
3: Yakka 1.1 2894 29.0 / 38 471.75 -34 (+25 -5 =8)
4: CT800 1.46 2830 28.0 / 38 450.00 -34 (+25 -7 =6)
5: Tcheran 5.1 2242 28.0 / 38 446.00 +182 (+24 -6 =8)
6: Aurora 1.25.4 2370 27.0 / 38 403.25 +122 (+25 -9 =4)
7: Casanchess 0.8 2400 26.0 / 38 401.50 +99 (+23 -9 =6)
8: MadChess 3.2.2 2819 26.0 / 38 386.25 -53 (+23 -9 =6)
9: Thrawn 2.1 2415 25.0 / 38 391.75 +87 (+23 -11 =4)
10: Fatalii 0.8.0 2385 20.5 / 38 289.25 +53 (+16 -13 =9)
11: Open Tal 1.1 JA 2913 15.5 / 38 225.75 -167 (+12 -19 =7)
12: ChessMaster 2023 2546 15.5 / 38 222.75 -68 (+13 -20 =5)
13: Shuffle 5.2.0 2450 13.0 / 38 161.00 -49 (+7 -19 =12)
14: Albatros 1.0.0 2396 12.5 / 38 150.75 -30 (+7 -20 =11)
15: StoneChess 2024-09-13 2349 11.0 / 38 115.50 -30 (+8 -24 =6)
16: Zagreus 5.0 2016 9.5 / 38 103.50 +49 (+7 -26 =5)
17: Halcyon 1 2384 9.0 / 38 109.75 -61 (+5 -25 =8)
18: Chessplusplus 1.2.0 2359 8.0 / 38 97.00 -65 (+5 -27 =6)
19: Camel 1.6.0 2168 7.0 / 38 105.50 -8 (+4 -28 =6)
20: Omelette 1.0 JA 2400 6.5 / 38 63.00 -95 (+4 -29 =5)
