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Chess engine: Aurora 1.26.0

UCI chess engine - Aurora. Author: Kjljixx
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2370

Aurora is an actively developed UCI (Universal Chess Interface) compatible chess engine.
This means that Aurora is a command-line-based engine and you will need a UCI-Compatible GUI in order to intuitively use Aurora. See the "Usage" section below for usage instructions.

This version includes some important bugfixes to v1.25.4:
-Fix Fathom "HSHMAX too low!" error
-Fix crashing when time is low
As well as readability improvements in the source code, and a small amount of elo (~10)

Aurora 1.16.2 vs other engines:
Obsidian 13.00/6-66 Games
Lambergar 0.6.00/6-66 Games
Nalwald 190/6-66 Games
Caissa 1.190/6-66 Games
Bagatur 5.1a0/6-66 Games
Stockfish 20240711 Ivec0/6-66 Games
Lizard 10.50/6-66 Games
Alexandria 7.0.00/6-66 Games
JigSaw 5.90/6-66 Games
Javelin Games
Zagreus 5.04/4+44 Games
Fatalii 0.7.03/4+24 Games
GitChess 1.03/4+24 Games
Knightx 4.11.5/4-14 Games
OpenTal 1.1 JA1.5/4-14 Games
Oxidation Games
Marauders 3.70/4-44 Games
Stockfish 16.10/4-44 Games
Motor 0.6.00/4-44 Games
Clarity 7.2.00/4-44 Games
Berserk 130/4-44 Games
