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Chess engine: Minic 3.42 JA (for Windows,Linux and Android)

Minic - UCI chess engine (C++ source)
Author: Vivien Clauzon  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3529 

Minic, a Chess Engine Communication Protocol compliant open source chess engine by Vivien Clauzon, initially squashed inside a single C++ source file licensed under the GPL v3.0. As a weekend project, it started as 2000 lines of code mailbox approach using PVS with TT, NMP, LMP and eval based on psts, and evolved to a bitboard engine using HQ, lazy SMP, and Texel tuning to optimize its tapered eval [source].

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Rating CEDR progres - Minic
Pl Engine Rating Score Games %
775 Minic 3.39 3508.9 422.00 959 44.00
786 Minic 3.31 3490.0 218.50 346 63.15
792 Minic 3.28 3487.5 71.50 152 47.04
796 Minic 3.33 3484.3 542.50 1211 44.80
814 Minic 3.30 3461.1 351.00 961 36.52
835 Minic 3.22 3436.4 63.00 179 35.20
848 Minic 3.19 3417.8 58.50 116 50.43
850 Minic 3.24 3414.1 124.50 212 58.73
1119 Minic 2.35 3082.5 82.50 126 65.48
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