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Chess engine: PlentyChess 4.0.1 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)


PlentyChessA UCI chess engine with a neural network based evaluation.
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3714

Building on Windows

For the build to work on Windows, you need to install MinGW as well as the required packages (make, g++, pthread, etc.).
Then you can use the makefile as you would on a unix system.

This is a bugfix release for the Tablebase functionality. Tablebases in version 4.0.0 mostly only work when analyzing FENs, and not during real games.

Binary Guide
generic: Slowest
ssse3: Slightly faster, requires a CPU with SSSE3 support
fma: Faster, requires a CPU with FMA support
avx2: Faster, requires a CPU with AVX2 support
bmi2: Faster, requires a CPU with AVX2 and BMI2 support. Not recommended for Zen1 and Zen2 CPUs
avx512: Faster, requires a CPU with AVX512 support
avx512vnni: Fastest, requires a CPU with AVX512 and VNNI support
neon: For ARM CPUs that support NEON instructions
If you're unsure about what binary to use, start with avx512vnni and find the first one that does not crash on your machine. There is a chance that the AVX2 binary is faster on your system, despite it supporting AVX512.

Jim Ablett compiles:

PlentyChess 4.0.1 vs other engines:

Caissa 1.2156.5/122-9122 Games
Alexandria Games
RubiChess 2024081758/113+3113 Games
Berserk 2024111941.5/94-1194 Games
Integral v542/79+579 Games
Motor 0.8.0 JA34/63+563 Games
Starzix 6.036.5/58+1558 Games
Dragon 3.324/52-452 Games
Uralochka 3.42 dev724/44+444 Games
Velvet 8.1.1 JA26.5/43+1043 Games
Lizard Games
Viridithas 15.0.022/43+143 Games
Arasan 24.2.2 JA24/41+741 Games
Integral v619/36+236 Games
Obsidian 14.05 SE16/35-335 Games
Rebel-EAS 2.018/30+630 Games
Obsidian dev-14.14 SE13/30-430 Games
Spaghet BologNNese 1.015.5/28+328 Games
Berserk 1313.5/27+027 Games
Devre 6.39 JA13.5/25+225 Games
Yuliana 5.508.5/23-623 Games
Obsidian dev-14.07 SE10.5/22-122 Games
Artemis 4TR9/20-220 Games

PlentyChess 4.0.1 - interesting game:

Partia mi si� podoba�a (ChessBase 16)
[Event "2024.11.24.TOPEnginesTournament"] [Site "Chess Engines Diary"] [Date "2024.11.30"] [Round "1.73"] [White "PlentyChess 3.0.1"] [Black "Uralochka 3.42 dev7"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C02"] [PlyCount "207"] [EventDate "2024.??.??"] {[%evp 0,64,19,31,41,46,51,33,15,4,11,11,-9,-12,-9,-2,12,-19,-20,-20,-12,-12,-12,-14,-7,-11,-13,-6,24,-9,52,19,12,17,28,30,28,34,34,25,59,59,48,17,21,28,32,37,50,14,29,31,65,68,62,40,67,43,106,60,63,11,42,15,83,28,28]} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Bd7 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. Be2 Nge7 7. O-O Ng6 8. Re1 Be7 9. Na3 cxd4 10. cxd4 O-O 11. Nc2 f6 12. exf6 Bxf6 13. Bd2 a5 14. g3 Be8 15. Bc3 Nge7 16. Ne3 Bg6 17. Ng4 Bf5 18. Nxf6+ Rxf6 19. a3 Bg4 20. Ng5 Bf5 21. Bf1 h6 22. Nh3 Nc8 23. Nf4 Nd6 24. Rc1 Qd7 25. Nd3 Bxd3 26. Bxd3 Qf7 27. Rc2 Rf8 28. f4 h5 29. Rf2 b5 30. Bd2 Nc4 31. Bc1 Nd6 32. Bb1 Nf5 33. b3 b4 34. Bb2 Nce7 35. Bc1 Nc6 36. a4 Rc8 37. Rc2 Nd6 38. Bd2 Ne4 39. Rc1 Qd7 40. Bxe4 dxe4 41. Rxe4 h4 42. Qe2 hxg3 43. hxg3 Qd5 44. Rc4 Kf7 45. Qg2 Qd7 46. Qf3 Rh8 47. Be3 Ne7 48. Kf1 Rc8 49. Qh5+ Rg6 50. Bf2 Rxc4 51. bxc4 b3 52. Qb5 Qxb5 53. cxb5 Nd5 54. Re2 Nb6 55. Kg2 Nxa4 56. Re3 Nb6 57. Rxb3 a4 58. Ra3 Nd5 59. Rxa4 Nxf4+ 60. Kf3 Nd5 61. Ra7+ Kg8 62. Be1 Rf6+ 63. Ke4 Rf1 64. Ba5 Rb1 65. Rb7 Ra1 66. Bd2 Ra2 67. Bf4 Re2+ 68. Kd3 Rb2 69. Kc4 g5 70. Be5 Rc2+ 71. Kb3 Rc1 72. Bd6 Rd1 73. Bc5 Rb1+ 74. Kc2 Rg1 75. b6 Rg2+ 76. Kb3 Rxg3+ 77. Ka4 Rg1 78. Kb5 g4 79. Ra7 g3 80. Ra3 g2 81. Rg3+ Kf7 82. b7 Ne7 83. b8=Q Rb1+ 84. Bb4 Rxb4+ 85. Kxb4 Nc6+ 86. Kc5 Nxb8 87. Kd6 Kf6 88. Rxg2 Na6 89. Rf2+ Kg5 90. Kxe6 Kh4 91. Rf8 Kg3 92. Kd6 Kg2 93. d5 Kh2 94. Rf4 Kg1 95. Ra4 Nb8 96. Kc7 Nd7 97. Kxd7 Kf1 98. Ra2 Ke1 99. Kc6 Kf1 100. d6 Ke1 101. d7 Kf1 102. d8=Q Ke1 103. Rc2 Kf1 104. Qd1# 1-0
