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Chess engine: Troubadour 1.3 (Stockfish derivatives)

Troubadour - UCI chess engine by Solista.

author description: "It was created as a contrast to Beast M. The engine uses the Random Op. MultiPV mode, but only one variant works by default. This is much stronger for games. If you want more randomness, you have to manually increase the number of variants. The engine is tactically a little weaker than Beast M, but positionally it is better. The code is based on SF dev, including the latest networks, with my free spirit contributing in the style of a Troubadour. The features Slow Mover and Minimum Thinking Time are integrated. For MTT, the default value is set to 0, which should be the default for offline games. For online games, I set the value to 100."

Version 1.3 hat eine breitere Suche und ist demnach etwas langsamer.

Troubadour 1.3 download

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