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HypnoS ++ 1.0 wins Fritz new Engines Test, 2025.01.26-29

Another test tournament, this time conducted in the Fritz 17 program from ChessBase. The winner was the HypnoS ++ 1.0 engine, in second place the Contact 10 engine and in third the Artemis 6TR engine. Note the good result of the Horsie 1.0 engine.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 543.291 games download (01.01.2025) πŸ’Ύ 220 games from the tournament download

πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Fritz 17

P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/=
1: HypnoS ++ 1.0 30.0 / 40 492.75 (+20 -0 =20)
2: Contact 10 29.5 / 40 489.50 (+19 -0 =21)
3: Artemis 6TR 29.5 / 40 483.00 (+19 -0 =21)
4: Horsie 1.0 29.0 / 40 480.00 (+19 -1 =20)
5: Lizard 11.2.0 25.5 / 40 419.75 (+14 -3 =23)
6: Equisetum 1.15 JA 23.0 / 40 327.25 (+15 -9 =16)
7: Alexander 4.0 21.0 / 40 318.50 (+11 -9 =20)
8: Critter 1.6a 13.5 / 40 157.00 (+8 -21 =11)
9: EveAnn 3.0 10.0 / 40 100.50 (+6 -26 =8)
10: Toad 3.0.0 JA 5.5 / 40 72.00 (+1 -30 =9)
11: Fatalii 0.8.0 3.5 / 40 33.25 (+1 -34 =5)
