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New chess engine: Pawnocchio 1.1


Pawnocchio - UCI chess engine
Author: Jonathan Hallstrom 

Elo | 166.40 +- 11.10 (95%)
Conf | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
Games | N: 3022 W: 1749 L: 403 D: 870
Penta | [24, 113, 365, 511, 498]

Elo | 216.35 +- 20.41 (95%)
Conf | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=128MB
Games | N: 1000 W: 639 L: 86 D: 275
Penta | [3, 27, 79, 196, 195]

Added null move pruning, late move pruning, and fixed a bug in eval.
Estimated around 2400-2500 CCRL blitz
