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New version chess engine: Amy 0.9.7 JA


Amy - winboard chess engines
Author - Thorsten Greiner (Germany)

What's Changed
Add target to run clang-format by @thgreiner in #8
Feature/fix warnings by @thgreiner in #9
Add foreign option to automake by @thgreiner in #10
Refactor various formatting functions by @thgreiner in #12
Track changes in SAN() by @thgreiner in #13
Simplify AtkClr, some more fixes and reduced warnings by @thgreiner in #14
Refactor attack generation by @thgreiner in #15
Create c-cpp.yml by @thgreiner in #16
Add autoreconf to github workflow by @thgreiner in #17
Show build status in by @thgreiner in #18
Update LICENSE by @thgreiner in #19
Always print a pv, even on short searches by @thgreiner in #20
Open eco database / opening book from default paths by @thgreiner in #21
Prepare 0.9.5 by @thgreiner in #22

compiles Jim Ablett 
Amy 0.9.7 JA download 
