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PlentyChess 3.0.1 wins Amateur League CEDR group E-01 Season 01/2025

The first amateur group of chess engines has ended. The PlentyChess 3.0.1 engine won, the Clarity 7.2.0 JA engine came in 2nd, and the Saturn 1.3 engine came in 3rd. These three engines advanced to the TOP-64, to the 4th League. The last three engines were relegated to the E-02 group. The next tournaments are ongoing, the results will be available on our website soon.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 543.291 games download (01.01.2025) πŸ’Ύ 380 games from the tournament download

πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena

P Engine CEDR Score (Tie) Chg +/-/=
1: PlentyChess 3.0.1 3714 34.0 / 38 602.50 +0 (+30 -0 =8)
2: Clarity 7.2.0 JA 3512 32.5 / 38 574.75 +38 (+27 -0 =11)
3: Saturn 1.3 3390 23.5 / 38 385.00 +0 (+14 -5 =19)
4: Expositor 4WR02 3389 22.5 / 38 369.50 -11 (+11 -4 =23)
5: Drofa 4.1.1 JA 3285 22.5 / 38 366.25 +46 (+17 -10 =11)
6: Pedantic 2.1.0 3344 21.5 / 38 368.00 +4 (+10 -5 =23)
7: Zahak 10.0 3336 21.0 / 38 347.75 +0 (+11 -7 =20)
8: LTChess 9.3 3395 20.0 / 38 338.50 -38 (+10 -8 =20)
9: Zangdar 3.04 2962 20.0 / 38 310.25 +152 (+13 -11 =14)
10: Nalwald 19 3322 19.5 / 38 322.50 -8 (+11 -10 =17)
11: MrBob 1.3.0 3322 19.5 / 38 321.25 -8 (+9 -8 =21)
12: Frozenight 6.0.0 3339 19.5 / 38 318.25 -15 (+9 -8 =21)
13: Odonata 1.0 3315 17.5 / 38 268.75 -23 (+9 -12 =17)
14: Kuma 1.2 3304 16.5 / 38 283.75 -30 (+7 -12 =19)
15: Danasah 9.1 3259 16.0 / 38 258.00 -4 (+5 -11 =22)
16: Little Goliath 3.17 3318 16.0 / 38 254.00 -42 (+7 -13 =18)
17: Demolito 2023-11-04 3251 14.5 / 38 226.75 -15 (+9 -18 =11)
18: Svart 6 JA 3279 13.5 / 38 208.00 -38 (+5 -16 =17)
19: Wize 1.0 JA 3014 6.5 / 38 100.50 +4 (+1 -26 =11)
20: Cheese 3.2.1 3081 3.5 / 38 57.25 -49 (+1 -32 =5)
