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SF-PRO 13.01.2025 wins Strong Engines Tournament (Tests by Jörn Gronemann, 2025.01.23)

Another tournament of the strongest chess engines was won by SF-PRO on 13.01.2025, in second place the Stockfish dev-20250118 engine and places 3-4 were shared by the Troubadour 1.4 and DarkSeid 5.3 engines. Further tests are ongoing, results soon.

Chess Engines Diary Team

GPU NVIDIA  RTX 3060 ti. GUI-Banksia, For Every Engine only 1 CPU and 512 Hashtables, Book - 4 GM mvs book,  6TBs.

🕒🕒Time 3'+3"  910 tournaments games download  
💾 All games CEDR 543.291 games download 01.01.2025  

P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/=
1: SF-PRO 13.01.2025 70.0 / 130 4504.75 (+10 -0 =120)
2: Stockfish dev-20250118 68.5 / 130 4423.50 (+8 -1 =121)
3: Troubadour 1.4 68.0 / 130 4385.50 (+6 -0 =124)
4: DarkSeid 5.3 68.0 / 130 4384.50 (+7 -1 =122)
5: Stockfish 17 67.5 / 130 4364.00 (+5 -0 =125)
6: Artemis 6TR 67.5 / 130 4355.50 (+6 -1 =123)
7: JudaS ++ 5.0 67.5 / 130 4351.75 (+7 -2 =121)
8: HypnoS ++ 1.0 67.0 / 130 4324.75 (+6 -2 =122)
9: CorChess 20250119 65.5 / 130 4246.75 (+2 -1 =127)
10: ShashChess 38 65.5 / 130 4242.50 (+4 -3 =123)
11: Obsidian 14.23 SE 59.5 / 130 3883.50 (+3 -14 =113)
12: Berserk 20241119 59.5 / 130 3865.00 (+5 -16 =109)
13: PlentyChess 4.0.1 59.0 / 130 3850.25 (+1 -13 =116)
14: Alexandria 7.0.14 JA 57.0 / 130 3728.75 (+1 -17 =112)
