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Uralochka 3.42 dev7 wins 2 League CEDR, Season 01/2025, 2025.01.19

The 2nd CEDR Chess Engine League (Top-64) has ended. The Uralochka 3.42 dev7 engine won, the Titan 1.1.0 engine came in 2nd place, and the Devre 6.39 JA engine came in 3rd. These three engines advanced to the 1st league. The next tournaments are ongoing, results will be posted on our website soon.

Chess Engines Diary Team

The last three chess engines are relegated to the 3nd League: Altair 7.1.5 Dev.91cb9ca JA, Booot 7.3, Tenax 1.0.

All CEDR 543.291 games download (01.01.2025) πŸ’Ύ 480 games from the tournament download

πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Akimbo 1.1.0 JA15295328449331.94.782.5384.2
Altair 7.1.5 JA14058290827929.44.891.3441.5
Arasan 25.020054396899432.65.175.6382.1
Booot 7.314184320045339.54.4107.4476.1
Devre 6.39 JA21301432521437.24.988.4435.5
Dragon by Komodo25583578188535.94.4104.9464.0
Igel 3.6.09862210552136.94.767.4315.7
Motor 0.8.0261250221829.75.270.1364.7
Peacekeeper 3.0114387296893927.44.892.2446.92
Seer 2.8.017002348324836.84.989.1434.8
SlowChess 2.910271241995933.44.2104.5443.3
Superultra 2.021032491191028.44.395.6409.4
Tenax 1.021771439113826.35.087.6434.5
Titan 1.1.010203214903765.34.785.4405.4
Uralochka 3.42 dev715727324306430.24.876.6371.5
Velvet 8.1.120376413423229.64.978.5387.1
