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Uralochka 3.42 dev7 wins Arena Test new Chess Engines, 22-25.01.2025

Tournament of new versions of mid-range chess engines. The winner was the Uralochka 3.42 dev7 engine, in second place the Equisetum 1.15 JA engine and in third place the Texel 1.12 engine. Further tests are ongoing, we invite you to watch the results.

Chess Engines Diary Team

The last three chess engines are relegated to the 4nd League: Stash 35.26 JA, Marvin 6.3.0, Tucano 12.00.

All CEDR 543.291 games download (01.01.2025) 💾 280 games from the tournament download

👍 @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  🕓 Time 3'+3" 
💻Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB 🖬 GUI-Banksia

1Uralochka 3.42 dev7 Ivan Maklyakov364049.0/70 1507,25 
2Equisetum 1.15 JA Rhys Rustad-Elliott349846.5/70 1383,25 
3Texel 1.12 Peter Österlund350743.5/70 1311,50 
4Fire 10 Norman Schmidt358443.0/70 1255,50 
5Arasan 25.0 Jon Dart362238.5/70 1147,25 
6Patricia 4.0 Adam Kulju341928.5/70 852,00 
7Lizard 11.1.5 JA Liam McGuire367324.0/70 693,00 
8Sting sf Black Hole 8Marek Kwiatkowski31357.0/70 226,25 
