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Brainlearn 30 wins TOP Engines Tournament, 11.02.2025

Very large tournament - over 1400 games and the best chess engines. The Brainlearn 30 engine won. Places 2-3 were taken by Perelandra 2.0 and SF-PRO2 engines 05.02.2025. Further tests are ongoing, the results can be found on our website.

Chess Engines Diary Team

All CEDR 576.727 games download (01.02.2025) ๐Ÿ’พ 1404 games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Alexander 4.122498363467544.06.250.1310.3
Artemis 7TR9020165786645.95.464.8352.6
Berserk 20241119 SE20912434178450.24.887.8422.81
Brainlearn 309764188775851.15.273.4379.8
Contact 1010753206155943.45.273.2382.0
Dark SisTer 8.09372178009642.55.369.6366.2
DarkSeid 5.39124169274848.45.466.5358.3
DON 3.26398128067648.95.078.3391.2
DON 4.56646128784247.85.273.4379.01
Fisherov chess monk 1.215390321169148.74.884.6405.5
Halogen 12.12.3 JA21857441259026.75.082.7409.6
Horsie 1.0.6 JA14158286591433.94.974.0365.6
JudaS ++ 1.0113106250409549.85.274.6390.5
Obsidian 15.015954314293244.95.175.4382.8
Obsidian 15.0 JA17168321680847.55.366.9357.2
Perelandra 2.010575201234143.65.370.5370.3
PlentyChess 4.0.1 JA14193273249041.05.263.9332.0
Raid v3.7 TR8474184276351.84.680.1368.3
Revenge 4.016938349990948.14.882.4398.8
SF-PRO2 05.02.202511528209224438.55.565.3359.8
Stockfish 14.116114324872646.25.077.6384.8
Stockfish 15.116555335243946.64.980.0395.3
Stockfish 1710939208649349.25.270.7370.9
SugaR AI 2.7014962314036747.64.886.2410.7
Vanilla 14c10740236559247.44.582.6374.9
Yuliana 6.011551213255251.75.464.9351.7
