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Chess engine: Berserk 20250203

Berserk is a very good, gradually developed chess engine. On the CEDR ranking list it currently ranks 5th with a rating of -2720. The engine recently won a strong tournament, beating among others the Obsidian and Dragon engines. Check out these results:

Berserk 20241119 wins Middle Class Engines Tournament (Tests by Jรถrn Gronemann, 2024.12.01)

Berserk - UCI chess engine ( written in C).
Author: Jay Honnold  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3720

Bench: 2625158

Berserk 20141119 SE vs other engines:
Caissa 1.2186.5/166+7166 Games
Alexandria Games
PlentyChess 3.0.174/136+12136 Games
Dragon 3.351/100+2100 Games
RubiChess 2024081754/98+1098 Games
Integral v653/98+898 Games
Motor 0.8.0 JA51/94+894 Games
Starzix 6.058/92+2492 Games
Obsidian 14.07 SE40/82-282 Games
Clover 8.134.5/66+366 Games
Patricia 4.048.5/62+3562 Games
Halogen 12.12.3 JA41/62+2062 Games
Integral v534.5/58+1158 Games
Obsidian 14.23 SE29/58+058 Games
Stockfish 1721.5/57-1457 Games
Viridithas 15.0.025/48+248 Games
Big Yuli GM 22102421/48-648 Games
Velvet 8.1.1 JA26.5/44+944 Games
Lizard Games
JigSaw 6.019.5/44-544 Games
Lizard 11.1.024/40+840 Games
Clover 8.1 JA21.5/38+538 Games
Titan Games
Yuliana 5.5016/36-436 Games
Cool Iris 13.9015.5/36-536 Games
PlentyChess Games
Artemis 4TR16/34-234 Games
Stormphrax 6.0.019/32+632 Games
Uralochka 3.42 dev718.5/30+730 Games
Alexandria 7.0.14 JA16/30+230 Games
Obsidian 14.14 SE15/30+030 Games
Berserk 1314/28+028 Games
Obsidian 14.07 DC13/28-228 Games
Spaghet BologNNese 1.016.5/26+726 Games
Uralochka 3.42.dev714/26+226 Games
Brainlearn 3012.5/26-126 Games
Dark SisTer 8.010/25-525 Games
Stockfish 2024112211/24-224 Games
Obsidian 14.13 SE10.5/24-324 Games
Killfish 0212249.5/24-524 Games
SpecTral 8.09/24-624 Games
Contact 711/23-123 Games
Yuli GM STRONG X9.5/23-423 Games
SugaR AI 2.7010.5/22-122 Games
SF-PRO 25.11.202410/22-222 Games
SF-PRO 04.12.202410/22-222 Games
ShashChess 379/22-422 Games
Private19sf8/21-521 Games
Igel 3.6.0 JA12/20+420 Games

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