Black Cat - UCI Chess Enine
Author: Checkmate6659
Playing strength: 3000elo +/- 10elo STC, 3032elo +/- 12elo LTC
Basic semi-UCI-compliance implemented (sufficient for playing chess games)
Added randomization for draw scores
Fixed major bug in transposition storage
Improved time management significantly
And a few more things...
If you have trouble with vectorization building the engine, go into nnue/nnue.h and disable flags the target computer does not have, or change the #include <x86intrin.h> to #include <intrin.h>
Basic semi-UCI-compliance implemented (sufficient for playing chess games)
Added randomization for draw scores
Fixed major bug in transposition storage
Improved time management significantly
And a few more things...
If you have trouble with vectorization building the engine, go into nnue/nnue.h and disable flags the target computer does not have, or change the #include <x86intrin.h> to #include <intrin.h>
jim Ablett compiles:
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