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Chess engine: Demolito 2025-01-28 (1.0.646)

Demolito - UCI chess engine
Author : Lucas Braesch  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3247

Reinstate extra ply in late endgame
nodes 9122778

Demolito 2023.11.04 vs other engines:
Yuliirma 3.00/14-1414 Games
Polyfish 2311072/12-812 Games
Stockfish 202311070/12-1212 Games
LTChess 9.24.5/10-110 Games
Uralochka 3.40a1.5/10-710 Games
Brainlearn 26.21.5/10-710 Games
Obsidian 7.01/10-810 Games
Fisherov chess monk 1.20.5/10-910 Games
Expositor 4WR022.5/8-38 Games
Stormphrax Games
Tenax 0.9.41/8-68 Games
CorChess 202311041/8-68 Games
Hazard 3.831/8-68 Games
Fire 9.10/8-88 Games
AbbyStein 2.80/8-88 Games
Stockfish 15.10/8-88 Games
Berserk 12.10/8-88 Games
Kuma 1.23/7-17 Games
Midnight 82/7-37 Games
Chers 0.8.06/6+66 Games
Reckless 0.3.06/6+66 Games

Demolito 2025-01-28 download
