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Chess engine: Fatalii 0.9.0 JA

Fatalii - UCI chess engine
Author: Patrick Heck,  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2385

Faster static exchange evaluation
Add SEE pruning
Transposition table improvements
Speed up code that checks if the side to move is in check and if a move gives check
Update conditions and depth reduction formula for late move reductions and null move pruning
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0

Result against previous version
8s + 0.08s

Score of Fatalii 0.9.0 vs Fatalii 0.8.0: 495 - 128 - 377  [0.683] 1000
...      Fatalii 0.9.0 playing White: 266 - 55 - 179  [0.711] 500
...      Fatalii 0.9.0 playing Black: 229 - 73 - 198  [0.656] 500
...      White vs Black: 339 - 284 - 377  [0.527] 1000
Elo difference: 133.7 +/- 17.4, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 37.7 %

Fatalii 0.8.0 vs other engines:
Toad 3.0.0 JA3.5/8-18 Games
Critter 1.6a0.5/8-78 Games
Equisetum 1.15 JA0/8-88 Games
Horsie 1.00/8-88 Games
Dog 2.6c3/4+24 Games
Eubos 3.8.12/4+04 Games
Aurora 202410071.5/4-14 Games
Turbulence v4 Games
Alexander 4.00.5/4-34 Games
EveAnn 3.00.5/4-34 Games
Bread Games
Lizard 11.20/4-44 Games
Artemis 6TR0/4-44 Games
Pingu 5.0.00/4-44 Games
Lozza 5.18 JA0/4-44 Games
Quanticade Chimera 1.20/4-44 Games
Clarity 7.2.0 JA0/4-44 Games
Contact 100/4-44 Games
HypnoS ++ 1.00/4-44 Games
Texel 1.120/4-44 Games
Lizard 11.2.00/4-44 Games

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