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Chess engine: GnuChess 6.2.9 JA

GnuChess WB and UCI engines, 
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2623

GNU Chess is a chess-playing program. It can be used to play chess against the computer on a terminal or, more commonly, as a chess engine for graphical chess frontends such as XBoard.

The current version is 6.2.9. The 6.2.x series includes the following features with respect to previous 6.1.x:

"Tighter connection" with XBoard by means of an engine file and a logo, as expected by XBoard (>= 4.6.0).
A simple man page based on help2man.
Additional translations.
Bug fixes.
New commands.
Command history enabled by readline.

Jim Ablett compiles:
GnuChess 6.2.9 JA download
