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Chess engine: GOOB 1.8.9 JA

Goob - UCI Chess Engine ( vice code + bbc code + stackoverflow = goob)
Author: Gabriel M.  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3084

UCI Chess Engine written in C
Wins all the match against previous version in a 100 match game
Added more heuristics to the search
For more info, go to main file and read all the comments

GOOB 1.8.9 vs other engines:
Coiled 1.213/16+1016 Games
Lynx 0.14.114/14+1414 Games
Critter 1.6a4/14-614 Games
Booot 7.20/14-1414 Games
Alexandria 4.01.5/12-912 Games
Texel 1.090.5/12-1112 Games
Pingu10/10+1010 Games
Nalwald 182/10-610 Games
Stockfish 161/10-810 Games
Stockfish 202307290/10-1010 Games
Raid 2.7i0/10-1010 Games
SF-Pro bin0/10-1010 Games
Luna 1.1.09/9+99 Games
Polaris Games
Journeyman 2.15/9+19 Games
Stormphrax 1.0.02/9-59 Games
Mida 1.2.18/8+88 Games
CT800 1.456.5/8+58 Games
Sting Black Hole 74/8+08 Games
Stockfish 15.10/8-88 Games
Incognito 0208230/8-88 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:
