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Chess engine: Midnight v9 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)


Midnight - UCI Engines
Author: Archishmaan Peyyety  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3450

File structure
  • ChessEngine contains the C++ chess engine. It produces moves in uci format.
  • ChessEngine/ChessEngine_lib contains the core library including move search and evaluation.
  • ChessEngine/ChessEngine_tests contains the unit tests to verify that function in the lib work as expected. 
  • uci-gui contains a python module that produces a chess gui that a human can play with and interfaces with the chess engine built. Hosted on localhost and built using flask. Most of this is code I took from [here]( I take no credit for it, just something so that I can play against my engine!

Midnight 9 vs other engines:
Pawn 3.09.5/22-322 Games
Rice Games
Minic 3.416/19-719 Games
Pedone 3.19.5/14+514 Games
Cheng 4.487/14+014 Games
Pedantic 0.6.212/13+1113 Games
Critter 1.6a10.5/12+912 Games
Nemorino 6.00 Patch 17/12+212 Games
Texel 1.115.5/12-112 Games
Komodo 14.15.5/12-112 Games
Jet 1.28.5/11+611 Games
StockDory Starfish 0.16/10+210 Games
Marvin Games
Akimbo 1.0.05/10+010 Games
Tucano 11.19 JA4.5/10-110 Games
Counter 5.54/10-210 Games
Rebel 16.33.5/10-310 Games
Obsidian 12.01.5/10-710 Games
Fatalii 0.6.08/8+88 Games
Xiphos 0.6.1 JA5/8+28 Games
BlackCore 6.04.5/8+18 Games

Hi! This release adds SMP and AVX Intrinsics. It is significantly stronger than its predecessor and is likely the final release for Midnight.

1Thread v 2Thread

ELO   | 58.89 +- 16.59 (95%)
SPRT  | 8.0+0.08s Threads=2 Hash=32MB
LLR   | 2.95 (-2.25, 2.89) [0.00, 5.00]
GAMES | N: 816 W: 264 L: 127 D: 425

1Thread v 4Thread

ELO   | 102.00 +- 23.13 (95%)
SPRT  | 8.0+0.08s Threads=4 Hash=32MB
LLR   | 2.95 (-2.25, 2.89) [0.00, 5.00]
GAMES | N: 480 W: 196 L: 59 D: 225

Prog Test

ELO   | 111.37 +- 13.54 (95%)
CONF  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=128MB
GAMES | N: 1000 W: 361 L: 51 D: 588


ELO   | 113.36 +- 8.56 (95%)
CONF  | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=32MB
GAMES | N: 3008 W: 1196 L: 248 D: 1564

Jim Ablett compiles:
