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Chess engine: Odonata 1.0 JA (Windows and Linux)

A new version of the Odonata 1.0 engine has been released. Previously (version 0.9 to version 0.8) it gave an increase in game strength of about 300 points!

Good job by the author, we'll see how it goes this time.

Odonata - UCI chess engine
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3314 Author: Andy Watkins
Release 1.0 (22 Jul 2024)
NNUE evaluation (768 - 1024)x2 -> 5 buckets
Introduced bucketed L2 based on queen-count/phase, increased HL to 1024
Increased training dataset to 700m positions
Relabeled positions using Odonata's NNUE rather than HCE
Fixed some bugs in the tuner
Expected Elo +150 vs Odonata 0.9.0

Odonata 1.0.0 vs other engines:
Obsidian 13.00.5/12-1112 Games
Yuliana 5.00/12-1212 Games
Hedgehog 2.40710/10+1010 Games
Knightx 4.110/10+1010 Games
JigSaw 5.91/10-810 Games
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA1/10-810 Games
Caissa 1.200.5/10-910 Games
Nalwald 194.5/9+09 Games
Bagatur 5.1b7.5/8+78 Games
Lizard 10.51/8-68 Games
Stockfish 16.10.5/8-78 Games
Inanis Games
Lambergar Games
Critter 1.6a3.5/6+16 Games
Clarity Games
Steel Fighter III0/6-66 Games
Arcanum 2.24/4+44 Games
Aramis 1.3.04/4+44 Games
Sloth 1.94/4+44 Games
Bread Engine 1.0.04/4+44 Games
Javelin 3.0.04/4+44 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:
