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Chess engine: Roc2 2.0.4 (derived from Gull)

C++ chess engine derived from Gull 3 
Author: Tom Hyer  Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3215

Small improvements to search depth.

Roc2 2.01 vs other engines:

Habu 1.0 JA3/3+33 Games
Lime 66 JA2/2+22 Games
Wize 1.02/2+22 Games
Phalp 22032400 JA2/2+22 Games
Lambergar 0.6.01/2+02 Games
SF-PRO 05.07.20240.5/2-12 Games
SF PB 0607240/2-22 Games
Obsidian 13.00/2-22 Games
Alexandria 7.0.00/2-22 Games
Odonata 0.9.00/2-22 Games
Caissa 1.190/2-22 Games
Obsidian 13.0 JA0/2-22 Games
PlentyChess 2.1.00/2-22 Games
Stockfish 16.10/2-22 Games
JigSaw 5.90/2-22 Games
Inanis 1.3.01/1+11 Games
Sloth 1.91/1+11 Games
Javelin 2.0.01/1+11 Games
Drosophila 1.6 JA1/1+11 Games
Tcheran 2.41/1+11 Games
Bread Engine 0.0.71/1+11 Games
