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Chess engine: Stro4k 3.0 JA


This is the version that played in the TCEC.

The STRO4K-TCEC binary is the version that played in the event. It uses 101 threads, 64 GiB hash, and requires AVX-512VL/DQ/BW. The STRO4K binary uses 4 threads, 16 MiB hash, and requires AVX-512VL/DQ/BW. The STRO4K-avx2 binary uses 4 threads, 16MiB, and requires AVX2 and BMI2, but is 4101 bytes in size. The stro (for Linux) and stro.exe (for Windows) binaries support FEN positions and has configurable threads and hash. They require AVX2.

8"+0.08", 1th, 32MiB hash:
Score of STRO4K 3.0 vs STRO4K 2.1: 82 - 34 - 84  [0.620] 200
...      STRO4K 3.0 playing White: 42 - 16 - 42  [0.630] 100
...      STRO4K 3.0 playing Black: 40 - 18 - 42  [0.610] 100
...      White vs Black: 60 - 56 - 84  [0.510] 200
Elo difference: 85.0 +/- 37.0, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 42.0 %
40"+0.4", 1th, 32MiB hash:
Score of STRO4K 3.0 vs STRO4K 2.1: 66 - 31 - 103  [0.588] 200
...      STRO4K 3.0 playing White: 40 - 14 - 46  [0.630] 100
...      STRO4K 3.0 playing Black: 26 - 17 - 57  [0.545] 100
...      White vs Black: 57 - 40 - 103  [0.542] 200
Elo difference: 61.4 +/- 33.5, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 51.5 %
8"+0.08", 4th, 1GiB hash:
Score of STRO4K 3.0 vs STRO4K 2.1: 88 - 88 - 24  [0.660] 200
...      STRO4K 3.0 playing White: 50 - 7 - 43  [0.715] 100
...      STRO4K 3.0 playing Black: 38 - 17 - 45  [0.605] 100
...      White vs Black: 67 - 45 - 88  [0.555] 200
Elo difference: 115.2 +/- 36.5, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 44.0 %

Jim Ablett compiles:
