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Chess engine: Thrawn 2.1 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)

Thrawn  - UCI chess engine
Chess engine in c++ that uses a bitboard data structure and a piece square tables evaluation (nnue in the future)
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2415

Support for ARM chips
Compilation support for Windows, MacOS, and, Linux
IMPORTANT NOTE: nnue file must be placed in the same directory of the executable or the engine will play random moves

Thrawn 2.1 vs other engines:
Yakka 1.10.5/5-45 Games
Spaghet MariNNara 1.00/5-55 Games
Habu 1.0 JA3.5/4+34 Games
ChessMaster 20233/4+24 Games
Lambergar Games
Javelin 3.0.02/4+04 Games
Nalwald 190.5/4-34 Games
Lizard 10.50/4-44 Games
JigSaw 5.90/4-44 Games
Stockfish 16.10/4-44 Games
Yuliana 5.00/4-44 Games
Uralochka 3.41a JA0/4-44 Games
Camel 1.6.03/3+33 Games
Cadabra 2.0.13/3+33 Games
Albatros 1.0.03/3+33 Games
StoneChess 2024-09-133/3+33 Games
Halcyon 13/3+33 Games
Freda 1.03/3+33 Games
GitChess 1.03/3+33 Games
Dodecahedron JA3/3+33 Games
Sloth 2.03/3+33 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:
