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Chess engine: Topple 0.8.1 JA

Topple - UCI chess engine. 
Author- Vincent Tang, Rating CEDR=2919

v. 0.8.1:
Lots of code cleanup and refactoring to improve maintainability
New material hashing scheme
Replaced custom Syzygy probing code with the Fathom library
New binaries compiled with LLVM/Clang (much smaller now).
Optimised move generation of pawns
Adjusted hash table replacement criteria to favour PV nodes
Strength gains should be in the 5-10 elo range based on self play testing.

Topple 0.8.1 vs other engines:
Jence 1.0.29/9+99 Games
Amoeba 3.46/9+39 Games
Nirvanachess 2.51.5/7-47 Games
Novice 3.14/5+35 Games
Godel 7.04/5+35 Games
BBC 1.43/5+15 Games
Cheng 4.412.5/5+05 Games
K2 0.994/4+44 Games
CT800 1.444/4+44 Games
Jinx 1.03/3+33 Games
Deuterium 2019.2.37.732.5/3+23 Games
Clovis III2/3+13 Games
Delocto 0.61n2/3+13 Games
Journeyman 2.11.5/3+03 Games
GOOB Games
Inanis Games
Monolith 21.5/3+03 Games
Cheese Games
Beef Games
Polaris Games
