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Chess engine: Trinket 3.5.0 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)

Trinket - UCI chess engine
Author: Daniel Ke (USA)  Rating CEDR=1743

Roughly 300~ stronger selfplay. May be buggy.

Trinket 3.5.0 vs other engines:
Bread Engine 1.0.02/2+22 Games
Tcheran 2.51.5/2+12 Games
Smaug 2.2.1 JA1/2+02 Games
Knightx 4.11/2+02 Games
Arcanum 2.20.5/2-12 Games
Nalwald 190.5/2-12 Games
SF-PRO 22.07.20240/2-22 Games
Yuliana 5.00/2-22 Games
Yuli GM Pro 160/2-22 Games
Stockfish 202407230/2-22 Games
Stockfish 16.10/2-22 Games
Deep SOLIDOR AI0/2-22 Games
Spaghet MariNNara 1.00/2-22 Games
Obsidian 13.00/2-22 Games
Uralochka 3.41a JA0/2-22 Games
Lizard 10.50/2-22 Games
JigSaw 5.90/2-22 Games
CorChess 202407240/2-22 Games
HypnoS 1407240/2-22 Games
Drosophila 1.6 JA0/2-22 Games
Critter 1.6a0/2-22 Games

Jim Ablett compiles:
