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JudaS ++ 1.02 chess engine (based on Stockfish)

Judas - UCI chess engine (based on Stockfish), Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3770 
Author - Marco Zerbinati

JudaS ++ is a free and strong UCI chess engine derived from Stockfish that analyzes chess positions and computes the optimal moves.

JudaS ++ does not include a graphical user interface (GUI) that is required to display a chessboard and to make it easy to input moves. These GUIs are developed independently from JudaS and are available online.

v.++ 1.02:
-Fixed undeclared exploration_factor
-Adjusted UCI Exploration Factor scaling
-Adjusted history bonus/malus scaling for better move retention and stability.

JudaS ++ 1.02 - download

All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page

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