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Killfish PB 090225 wins New Engines Tournament, 23.02.2025

A recent tournament tested new chess engine versions, with Killfish PB 090225 taking first place. Artemis 8TR and Obsidian 15.03 SE tied for second and third. Notably, Obsidian continues to perform strongly, demonstrating its ability to compete with Stockfish-derived engines.
Chess Engines Diary Team

576.727 games download (01.02.2025) 
๐Ÿ’พ 756 games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปHP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM  ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:

100 Elo Chess Engine542587369815.56.237.1230.3
Alexander 5.07349120318927.16.148.7297.2
Aramis 1.4.0 JA191343918417.14.442.6185.4
Artemis 8TR266043648828.16.146.9285.6
Astra 5.0321164875324.74.954.7270.6
Beef 0.3.6 JA13854265109024.35.251.7270.3
Berserk 202502036410116336031.75.551.3282.4
Bitbit 1.3069631.
Black Cat 2.5 JA104117243519.86.049.0295.81
Colossus 2025a5631104206619.75.449.0264.5
DarkSeid 5.4279245617329.76.146.3283.2
DeepBlunder 1.2.0 JA39596272997.86.336.7231.3
Demolito 2025-01-28521595170320.35.553.0290.6
DON 3.2197532369426.96.147.0286.6
Eubos 3.9 JA8135116540813.57.032.6227.7
Fatalii 0.9.0209134839718.76.043.1258.7
Fatalii 0.9.0 JA236839614118.86.046.7279.1
GNU Chess 6.2.9 JA000.
GOOB 1.8.9 JA376965515625.65.846.4266.95
HypnoS ++ 1.02457778671729.85.852.3304.31
Integral 7.0.0431074035029.85.846.7271.9
Jester 0.85 JA27793251306.58.525.1214.9
Killfish PB 090225342757202528.36.048.3289.2
Midnight 9 JA349660401325.35.848.6281.0
Mufasa 0.2.1 JA23703223589.07.432.8240.8
Obsidian 15.03 SE546690519427.66.049.8300.6
Odonata 1.0.0 JA176331343119.05.649.2276.8
Peacekeeper 3.01 JA465278483821.85.950.1297.0
Perelandra 2.0323853179028.56.147.0286.3
Pioneer 0.3.2 JA32997770437.34.232.7138.81
Schneckbert 1.0253148297818.35.246.8245.5
SF-PRO2 05.02.2025363056049627.46.544.2286.0
Yukari 2025.2.4 JA470276982820.16.152.3319.4
